Eccles. 1 - outline of contents in all 66 books - previoously running heads - this outline will be the same giving us an introductory overview.
Aux 5 - Glossary - 350 entries - mini insight volume - defintions, eg baptism, armegeddon
Aux 6 - Bible words index - 70% reduction - only used in ministry or shepherding
Aux 7 - Marginal references - drastically reduced - all fit comfortably in centre column - had more than needed.
Aux 8 - footnotes - alternative translations as to how it could have been translated - eg in previous NWT translations. Like having multi-version translation in one volume.
Tools is mini reasoning book, concordance,
Hebrew scriptures handle of sword - Greek is blade of sword. Need both
May Jehovah bless you wonderful people learning how to offensively and definsevly handle word of truth arright. Applause
Another announcement - JW Library Application - 5 other versions included Amercian Standard, King James, Living English and two NWT